Yes I didn’t have a date on Vday. I spent it with friends: lunch with Chachie, coffee in the evening with Ate Myla and Cha, and my Vday ended with fireworks, literally, at the UP fair. I went to the fair with my sis Jet, Row & hubby, and Joy & Robert. To see couples go lovey-dovey (I even saw a guy sweep a girl off her feet along the sidewalks of Makati Ave.), I will be lying if I say I was not affected with my status of errr, singleness. But I know I am learning vital things. Vital lessons of preparation, I would take it ;)
My Valentine devotions was about Ps. 139. And the Lord just validated my emotions…
We are created to be known There is something in us that wants to be known, whether in a platonic way or even in a more intimate way than that. Sometimes we confide to our friends, spend time with one another, we write letters, or we blog.. we find a way or another for at least a piece of us to be known, as if there is a fear in us to die without any one ever really knowing who we were.
Take friendships for example. We invest in building relationships of confidence and find satisfaction when we and our best friends are able to finish each other’s sentences.
During a surge of hormones in our teenage years, when a sudden identity issue hits us and we find deep in us a fear of not knowing our own selves, we experience a great need for our parents to show us that they know us and understand us (unfortunately, we often end up accusing them with a scorching “you don’t understand me!”).
We need, and we want to be known. This explains the extra
kilig when someone takes note of our favorite things and the tiny details about us. (And why I was euphoric when my crushie called me by my name ♥) This is why we can endure sleepless nights just to stay on the phone all night talking about anything and everything about us; why many find marathon chatting and texting worth the while.
This is why we yearn to be vulnerable, naked (not hiding anything), and intimate with one another: we want to be known.
In the Bible, the term “know” was used interchangeably with making love (And Adam Knew Eve and she conceived..).. Unfortunately, we sometimes peddle our hearts (thanks Chachie for that term) for cheap substitutes to fill this need to be known. What is more sad is that sometimes, the desire may be too painful that we try to pretend it's not there-- we build walls and we harden our hearts.
Ps 139 says:
1 O LORD, you have searched me
and you know me.
2 You know when I sit and when I rise;
you perceive my thoughts from afar.
3 You discern my going out and my lying down;
you are familiar with all my ways.
4 Before a word is on my tongue
you know it completely, O LORD.
We are created to yearn to be known because in reality, there IS One who knows us through and through. One who can not only finish our sentences, but knowa our thoughts even before we say anything. He knows us even more than we know ourselves, even.
And the best thing? He knows every single detail about us—our past, our present, and our future; the number of hair on our head; when we sit and when we rise; every thought in our head; every idiosyncrasy and peculiarity we have — He knows all this and yet he tells us that He loves everything about us.
And on this valentine’s day, what can be a better present for us than the very life of the Son of God, given willingly and lovingly to say, “Princess, I died, went to hell and back just to show you I love you.”
A belated Happy Valentines everyone!