Saturday, September 20, 2008

Referee's Lessons

I have found myself in the middle of a He said-She said situation the past couple of days and it fascinates me how men and women can think so differently.

It's amazing how a woman (not excluding myself) can endlessly search for meaning behind a word, a look, a touch, a moment... or even a coincidence.

It's perplexing how men are so much simpler than women give them credit for. Aside from some isolated cases perhaps, "what you see is what you get" basically applies to them.

A woman needs validation, affirmation, or at least clarification.

A man can deny an issue hoping it would go away on its own. (not entirely a male characteristic I admit hehe)

A woman needs a deeper meaning; a security of a concrete definition (well no matter how I claim that I enjoy vagueness and gray areas, I admit, I can relate)

A man can just... enjoy the moment.

Admittedly, I would like to insert a scorching comment here about how guys can be so insensitive, but I suppose us girls need to loosen up a bit, too.

Heniwey, my guidance counseling gig led me to some introspection and eventually to some liberating realizations.

There were really no unwritten words between those carefully archived lines.

This guy's sweet gesture is NOT teeming with unspoken words.

The years of history with that one doesn't have to make sense, even.

The compliment the other night does not mean he's going to cross the seven seas for me. hahaha

To hope something deeper comes out of this other thing is useless.

As a wise Canadian guy once said, it stings like hell, but accept it and move on. Some people don't see you in that light, but you'll find someone else who will. As soon as you let go.
