Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Bright Side

Almost a month's worth of wallowing over that empty space for someone's toothbrush, or missing the feel of his... hair (wahaha), I choose to look at the brighter side this time.

I get to sleep early without waiting for anyone to get back from work. I am not forced to watch sports videos and shows anymore. I can do whatever I want to do without considering if he'd be into it. I can binge on CHICK FLICKS!!! I can make scrambled eggs and not sweat over one perfect sunny side up. Each space is MY space. I can dress up without anyone telling me that I make them look under-dressed. I can stay inside all day watching dvds without anyone bothering me to get up and... move. I don't get nagged for not filling the water containers, not locking the doors or not fixing my closet. I get a lot of me time, now, as Chachie's 13 year-old cousin, Diego would put it. That's good, right?