Ok, I haven't been paying attention to this blog. Mainly because I don't have much of readers. or lurkers don't take time to comment.
But come to think of it, this would be a good outlet for the less popular writings that I want to spare the people back in multiply. such as my rantings.
First thing. I need a life.
I need to spend more time going out, meeting new people, and less time cooped up in this office/house tinkering with stuff online.
Since after Valentine's day, I have a bunch of time in my hands-- the time I used to spend in a bubble with he-who-shall-not-be-named. And thanks to all who tried to cheer me up. I am so much better now. Not really heart-broken anymore, more of lost... or bored.
I tried learning how to use the manual mode of my camera- something I've put off for a while now. Well I got better at it. Then I got bored. I cleaned my room and my closet and washed all our curtains. I created a new multiply account and moved a bunch of blogs and photos. I also tried fangirling (which I realized I suck at). But I need to do more of the things girls my age should be doing (like be in serious and healthy relationships?).