Monday, August 4, 2008

I Survived Galera

I have a shirt that says "I survived Sagada." And I honestly think they should sell shirts that say "I survived Galera."
I know it's lame.What's there to survive anyway? (When I didn't even join the jungle tour that didn't involve any jungle wahaha)
1. Boat rides on unfriendly waves.
I know August is a crazy time to go to the beach but who can stop crazy sunblock-bathing Korean bosses and a sunshine-mantraing, extremely positive (well in this isolated case) Canadian editor?
2. Crazy sunblock-bathing Korean bosses and a sunshine-mantraing extremely positive Canadian editor. (haha they're cool really)
3. Walking on the non-beach. In the rain. To get souvenirs for friends. (and uh, self)
4. Being dragged by a moving boat while chugging gallons of salt water. (first time snorkler, what can I do?)
5. An entire Saturday on an island with nothing much to do but sand play, take pix, and get room-service henna. (yes, coz I passed up the aforementioned [non]jungle tour).
6. The horror of a micro SD card messing up 3 days worth of photos.
7. Wading in an extremely rocky beach without getting (new) cuts and bruises.
8. And wearing a swimsuit. without crowds running for their lives. Or kids having nightmares tonight (i hope).

Yes. I survived indeed. And I deserve that shirt!

On a different note,this was the most profound scene of the entire weekend:

(while fishing on a boat)

I feel tugging.
But I only get tiny nibbles.
Stop nibbling, you fish!
COMMIT d*** it!

Whoa girl. We all hate nibblers, calm down ;)

ah lav et.

Story told more coherently here.
(Will post more photos soon)